Monday, December 3, 2007

Goodbye Doha.

When I flew into Qatar, I didn't get to see the city lights. Flying out of Doha, they flew over the city. I was looking at the city all week from the ground. I saw all the lights and architecture from the street and it was interesting to see it from a different perspective, especially the Pearl. 


Garth Fernandes said...

Hi.....just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed viewing your blog about Doha. I have lived in Doha for many years (by the way, I'm not Qatari) but never really saw its beauty until I saw it through your photographs and writings. Stumbled on your blog while surfing for stuff on google and really glad that I did. Would love to see more photographs of your travels (perhaps those of the US if you have any). My e-mail is

astra said...

Hi. It was nostalgic I stayed in Doha in early eighties. It was quite a quiet place then. I have sweet memories of Doha. Hope to go back there some time.We built Friday Mosque for the then Heir Aparent.